Knowledge, skills and employment


In order to work successfully in the future, our students:

  • Know the stages of evolution as well as the state of ecology in different prehistoric periods;
  • know how to use analytical methods: mathematical, physical, chemical, radioisotope methods;
  • know biology, geology, geography, archeology, paleoclimatology, paleo-ichnology, taphonomy, biostratonomy;
  • know how to operate a camera and its accompanying equipment, various measuring instruments, chemical reagents and other equipment used in scientific research;
  • know at least one foreign language (without it there will be no access to the latest achievements of colleagues from other countries and to international expeditions);
  • have a PC at the level of a confident user.

Like any other scientist, a paleontologist needs the ability to analyze, compare, and generalize. In addition, patience and an aptitude for hard work are essential. Such a specialist also needs an excellent imagination, because in the course of his work he will have to face objects that are not similar to anything known. For example, something in the form of an egg tray may well turn out to be a prehistoric animal.

Separately, it should be said that the paleontologist must have good health and be physically sturdy. Without this it will be almost impossible to participate in expeditions. Therefore, before enrolling to study, soberly assess the state of your health.

After completing our programs you have 4 main choices for employment:

  • Museum.
  • A higher education institution.
  • A research institute.
  • Enterprises of geological industry (first of all oil producing companies).

The most profitable (in terms of salary) option is the last one. However, it is absolutely unpromising, if you are planning a scientific career. The main task of the oil company, of course, not scientific activity, and to maximize profits.

When choosing a museum, a university or a research institute as a place to work, the paleontologist gets more freedom to manage time and conduct research activities. However, at the university a lot of time is taken up directly by teaching, so there is less time left for research.

Of course, the scientific activities of the institution can be combined with a more profitable position. For example, get a job as an expert consultant in some oil company.

Paleontologist, perhaps not the most popular, but still a highly sought-after profession. There is always a place for a qualified specialist in a research institute, university, museum or geological industrial enterprise.

What does the future hold for this profession? Science is constantly evolving, new methods of research of antiquity are being formed. New discoveries are made that overturn what was proven before. Periodically, there is a need to reconsider the processes of evolution. Clearly, there is still a lot of work for paleontologists to do.